In 2010, at the age of 12, Tyler started suffering from really bad headaches and sickness at night. He was told that he was having migraines, but it became pretty clear that it was something far more serious.
Tyler was admitted to Chichester Hospital, and when he had an MRI scan, he was found to have a Brain Tumour. Tyler was instantly transferred to Southampton Hospital, and had surgery that night. This procedure removed as much of the tumour as was possible, but it wasn't safe to remove it all.
Tyler spent weeks in hospital, and underwent a further 6 operations. These treatments left Tyler in a wheelchair, his vision impaired, and with severe nausea issues. Part of Tyler's treatment required him to take steroids which caused Tyler to gain weight.
Over the following months, he fought to regain his fitness, through Physio & Hydro therapy. He worked tirelessly to lose the weight, and become mobile again. This took a huge amount of courage and determination.
Tyler then had to attend Moorefield's Eye Hospital in London, however after 3 operations, he has had to accept that the damage to his eyesight is permanent.
In the middle of 2013, it was apparent that Tyler's health was deteriorating again, and in January 2014, he had to undergo 6 weeks of Radio therapy, and yet another operation. After working hard to recover again, 2016 brought further complications & yet more operations
Throughout all of this, Tyler has remained positive and upbeat. He is determined to increase awareness of Brain Tumours in children & has done many Radio, Video and Newspaper interviews